PM-kilpailu ja seniorien PM-kisat pelataan 6.–14.8. Trondheimissa, Norjassa, Lewis Chess Legends -turnauksen yhteydessä. Järjestäjä on luvannut tukea tietyin ehdoin yhden naisen ja yhden miehen matkakustannuksia 550 eurolla. Shakkiliitto ei osallistumisperiaatteidensa mukaisesti tarjoa erillistä tukea tähän kilpailuun.

Edustuspelaajien valinta kilpailuun Suomessa tehdään valintalistojen perusteella.

Naisten valintalista

Halukkaita edustuspelaajia pyydetään ilmoittautumaan liiton palvelupäällikölle (Toni Pönniö, viimeistään 6.5.


Welcome to the Nordic Championship 2024!

From August 6th to 14th, the Lewis Chess Legends will be held at the Archbishop’s Palace in Trondheim. We will crown and award prizes to Nordic champions in the open class integrated into the main tournament, while seniors 50+ and 65+ will play and be awarded prizes in their own group.

In this regard, we would like to offer some conditions to the top Nordic players from each Nordic country. The best woman and best man (who are available to participate) from each Nordic country will receive 550 Euros in financial support upon arrival. This will be in place of double rooms as has been customary in the past. Therefore, players must arrange accommodation themselves. The requirement is that players are at least IM or GM. In exceptional cases, if the nation lacks players in this title category, players with lower titles may receive this support. Nations naturally decide whom they wish to send as long as they stay within the title categories of IM or GM.

The support won’t cover all the expenses of participation; perhaps the federations can provide some additional support.

We need the registration of the players concerned by May 15 for the support to apply.

You will find some information in the attached PDF invitation, and more detailed information on the tournament’s website:

Best regards, FA Torbjørn Dahl Tournament Organizer Hell Chess Club E-mail: